Engaging with the Queensland residential rental sector

The Residential Tenancies Authority has released its Stakeholder Engagement Framework, which was developed in consultation with stakeholders in the residential rental sector.

The framework aligns with the RTA Strategic Plan 2022-26 and has four principles:

  • Purposeful: we engage with stakeholders in a clear and consistent manner and with a legitimate purpose aligned to our role.
  • Proactive: we engage stakeholders at the right time with information they need while proactively addressing changes in the sector.
  • Collaborative: we embrace co-creation and collaboration as integral to engagement and to help shape tailored solutions for customers.
  • Accessible: we elevate diversity in our engagement and service delivery and consider the needs of vulnerable customers.

Depending on the topic or activity, the RTA may inform, consult, involve or collaborate with stakeholders and customers to improve service delivery and drive positive outcomes and experiences.

The RTA is now seeking advice from rental sector stakeholders and customers including tenants, residents, property owners and property managers on how they wish to be engaged. This will support tailored delivery of stakeholder engagement in a way that is consistent with the framework.

You are invited to provide feedback on the RTA's Stakeholder Engagement Framework and how you wish to engage by completing a seven question survey by 30 September 2024.

Estimated completion time is 5 minutes or less.