Restrictive Practices Reform Survey

Your views on how the reformed framework will work in practice and the implementation of the proposed changes are important.

Have a copy of the Engagement Paper open to help complete the survey as the questions refer back to information and examples contained within it.

There are up to 15 questions that you can answer to share your views on restrictive practices. Please complete as many of the questions as you can. 

This can take some time, so please note: There is a 45 minute time limit for completing the survey from the time you start filling it out. To save your response, click the finish later button (within the 45 minute time limit)—you will be given an address and a password, which you can use later to complete your survey.

If you would prefer, you may also respond to the survey via email. Further information is available at our Have Your Say webpage.  

Fields marked with * must be completed.

Tell us about yourself
Do you identify as any of the following?  *

Do you identify as any of the following?  *

What region do you live in?  

What is your living status?  

Involvement of people with disability
1. The senior practitioner will consult with the person with disability before they decide whether to authorise a restrictive practice. How can we best support a person with disability to share what they think and what they want? Should there be any special measures for children with disability to be able to share what they think?  
Further information is on page 11 of the engagement paper
2. How can we support a person with disability from a diverse cultural background to engage with the authorisation process in a way that meets their cultural needs?  
Further information is on page 11 of the engagement paper
3. How can Aboriginal peoples and Torres Strait Islander peoples with disability be supported to actively participate in the authorisation process and ensure their perspectives are included? How can cultural safety be embedded into the process?  
Further information is on page 11 of the engagement paper
4. When a service provider makes an application to use a restrictive practice to the senior practitioner, they will also have to give a copy to the person with disability. For an adult with disability, should anyone else from the below list be given a copy of the application?  
Further information is on page 11 of the engagement paper

5. For a child with disability, their parents and the child will receive a copy of the application. Is there anyone else from the below list who should be given a copy of the application?  
See question 4 above and page 11 of the engagement paper

6. What can be put in place to support a person with disability if they need to apply to QCAT for a review of a decision of the senior practitioner to authorise a restrictive practice?  
Further information is on page 11 of the engagement paper
7. What support will a person with disability, or their support network, need to understand their rights? For example, would easy read guides about the process be useful?  
Further information is on page 11 of the engagement paper
Education and advice
8. What information should the senior practitioner provide to people with disability, their families and carers?  
Further information is on page 12 of the engagement paper
9. What do you think are the areas where providers and practitioners would benefit from more knowledge, skills or understanding about the use of regulated restrictive practices?  
Further information is on page 12 of the engagement paper
Publishing data
10. What data would you like to see the senior practitioner collect and publish about restrictive practices authorisations?  
Further information is on page 12 of the engagement paper
Prohibited restrictive practices
11. Please look at the list of proposed restrictive practices on page 13 of the Engagement Paper. Should there be any others added to the list?  
If yes, please describe.  
12. Looking again at the list of proposed prohibited restrictive practices on page 13 of the Engagement Paper. Do you think any in the list shouldn't be prohibited?  
If yes, which ones?  
Phased approach to moving the development of BSPs to the market
13. Do you support the phased approach to move the development of all behaviour support plans, including plans for containment and/or seclusion, to the market?  
Further information is on page 8, 10 and 14 of the engagement paper
If no, how should this occur?  
Seeking approval from the SP to use a restrictive practice
14. Do you have any feedback or questions about how the transitional arrangements will work?  
Further information and examples are on page 14 of the engagement paper
Additional comments
15. Please let us know if you have any additional comments or questions.  *
Do you want your survey responses to remain confidential?  *
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